
Title: Not Yet Awake

Year Completed: 1986

Size: H61” × W84” / H155 cm × W214 cm

Material: old cotton (aizome, kusakizome, kasuri, others) new cotton

Statement: I had been looking at a number of Lone Star quilts, and found myself at odds with the typical bright colors, with the square shape, and the total symmetry. Therefore I decided to make my own kind of Lone Star quilt, to my own taste, avoiding all three problems. To begin with, the colors i chose came from old Japanese cotton fabrics. I made a rectangular design which included three stars of different size, none of which are centered. The entire design comes from a single diamond shaped-template. To figure out exactly how I could place the stars with diamond-shaped background pieces between, I relied on my husband's mathematical skills. To my horror, shortly before finishing the quilt I discovered that I did not have enough fabric for all of the background. My husband rescued me again by suggesting that I insert part of another star, for which darker fabrics could be used (I still had lots of those left).

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